
Monday, July 9, 2012

Two weeks in Texas

I can't believe it's been nearly a month since my last post! It's been a nice break for me and my two weeks spent in Texas were well needed. I'm back and feeling refreshed! Hopefully it will not be so long in between posts :)

Here are a few cool design related finds during my trip. Sorry the pics aren't the best but most of them were taken with my cell phone while bar know how that goes!

In Dallas one night in the Deep Ellum area, I spotted this adorable furniture shop called Mid2Mod.
Unfortunately they were closed so all I could do was window shop.

Here was another little shop called Century Modern in the same area that was super cute as well.

This store was in Fort Worth near the stockyards. For the most part, its not my personal style but I could still rock one or two pieces individually. I am in love with Fort Worth and the Western charm it possesses!

These adorable phone booths were in our hotel lobby in San Antonio.

And while in San Antonio, of course we visited the River Walk. It was gorgeous! We walked the whole entire thing - one way and then all the way back on the opposite side which was probably about 3 miles one way. Very exhausting but well worth it!

This next picture was also from the River Walk under a bridge. They used lighting and colored glass strips as decoration. The light reflected the colors around on everything under the bridge. What a great (and probably inexpensive!) idea!

I visited the Jonathan Adler store in downtown Austin which has only been open for a couple of months.

And finally, for our last night in Austin we stayed at the Driskill hotel which was an amazing end to the entire trip.

I loved our room! And the ceilings were so fun in orange!


  1. OK, I'm convenienced I need to book a trip to Austin! I've always wanted to go. You made it feel like a 'must do now' trip. You had me at Jonathan Adler...

  2. What a gorgeous hotel! That first furniture store looks awesome; it's too bad you weren't able to go in!

  3. Wow beautiful pictures and awesome hotel!
