Prep: Design your rug. I designed mine in autocad with a layout of the floor so I would know exactly how to lay it out later. I also made templates from cardboard that made it easy to trace lines for each layer of paint. Then: Clean the floors. Get them as clean as you can with soap and water, scrubbing if you need to. Since this was an outdoor porch I had to remove everything from dead spiders to bird droppings....yummy. Let dry thoroughly and then measure and layout your design.
Step 1: Paint your first layer of paint. Mine ended up being one solid block of color.
Step 4: Once all layers are complete, touch small spots or areas where the paint may have run. This particular porch was difficult because the antique floorboards were uneven from time. Paint tended to run into the grooves which required more touch ups.
Step 5: You're finished! Now, sit back and enjoy.
I love this picture of you. Sammy looks confused with his head all cock-eyed.